Invitations and mailing

Create invitations and other emails precisely to your needs. Easy-to-use visual builder will help you customize invitations to match your event's branding.

Templates tailored to your brand

The visual builder allows you to create elegant invitations that align with your corporate identity. Attendu offers a wide gallery of templates that you can freely use or draw inspiration from in your creative process.

Incredibly personalized communication

Attendu allows you to target specific groups of guests in your mailings – for example, sending invites only to confirmed guests, who are interested in accommodation. Thanks to conditional content, each recipient can also see different sections within the email.

Multilingual content

Attendu allows you to fill out email content in multiple languages. Each recipient will then automatically receive email in their language.

Lightning-fast emailing

Sending emails is literally a few clicks away. Simply select a template, recipients, and Attendu does the rest of the work for you. For each batch, you also have access to delivery and open rate statistics.

Endless flexibility

You have full control over your communication strategy

Save the date

Plain message
Thank you

Cutting-edge email technology

Delivery rate

The mailing system ensures that emails reach their intended destination – the primary inbox.

Perfect display

Invitations from Attendu look great in every email client and on every device.