Event pages

With Attendu, you can create stunning event pages. Whether you choose from a template gallery or build your own, the design and functionality will impress both you and your guests.

Designing pages with a snap of your fingers

Creating an event page with Attendu is an intersection between flexibility and simplicity. Choose from a gallery of design templates or start from scratch. The visual builder offers a wide range of sections that always adapt to your corporate identity.

Almost magical registration

The smart form opens up countless possibilities for customization. It can maintain capacity limits, enable guests to bring plus-ones, or provide different registration fields for different types of guests. Registration for your guests can adapt to all your event's needs.

Dynamic content

Attendu's event pages can display personalized information to different guest groups. For example, if you only want to show an accommodation section to a specific group of guests, you can do so with a few clicks.

Multilingual support

Attendu allows you to fill out page content in multiple languages. The page will automatically render in each guest's language.

Connection with
guest list

Once registration is open, you'll experience the real time savings. Guests can express their attendance or non-attendance. If you need additional registration details from guests, they can easily provide them. All information, including confirmation status, is instantly updated on the guest list.

Smooth registration process

Authorized access only

Only guests on the list can access the registration page. If needed, a public registration link is also available.

Automatic ticket delivery

After registration, guests receive any email templates you've created. Typically, this might be a ticket or a confirmation email.